Madeleine studied Business at The London College Of Fashion & became a Celebrity Fashion Stylist gaining over a decades experience styling photo shoots, commercials, editorials, online product shoots and music videos. She worked in the fast paced media industry being contracted to several large news publications as their 24 hour on-call fashion stylist & diversified into art direction, prop design and personal shopping.
From 2014 - 2020 she moved into the Retail field at Hackett Menswear where she learnt all aspects of menswear tailoring & was an integral part of the creation & development of their 65B customer loyalty club & move to Savile Row.
Madeleine continues to freelance in the fashion & media industries more recently moving towards business introductions, consultancy, brand enhancement & development, having gained a wealth of experience & connections in public relations, marketing and concierge service in previous roles.